IL CI Plus Insurance

Why settle for less, when you can get 68?  Etiqa's IL CI Plus covers 68 critical illnesses with Mental Illness too.

Did You Know?

Mental Illness
4.2 mil Malaysians are living with Mental Health issues1.
1The Star Online, July 2018.
Cancer is the 4th most common cause of death in Malaysia2.
2 Malay Mail, October 2018
52,000 stroke cases occur in a year in Malaysia3.
3 The Star Online, October 2018
Heart Disease
Heart disease is a leading cause of death among Malaysians for 13 years from 2005 to 20174.
4 The Star Online, January 2019

Terms and conditions apply. IL CI Plus is attachable to selected investment-linked plans.

If you would like to speak to us about our insurance product, just leave us your details and we'll get in touch.

Underwritten by Etiqa Life Insurance Berhad (Co. Reg. No. : 201701025113)
(Licensed under the Financial Services Act 2013 and regulated by Bank Negara Malaysia).
