Triple Growth Insurance

We all have passions and dreams that we want to fulfil at some point in our lives. Whether you’re looking to become a restaurateur; travelling around the world; or starting a new business venture, let Triple Growth’s short term commitment plan help your savings work harder to maximise your yearly returns.

Benefits you will receive:

Short Premium Payment Term
Venture into a payment term of 6 years to boost your savings, and maximise returns while you reap the benefits up to a 20-year tenure.

Guaranteed Interim Cash Payment (ICP)
Enjoy up to 9% of the basic sum insured, starting from the end of the 1st policy year. At the end of the policy term, you could receive a total Guaranteed Interim Cash Payment up to 126% of the basic sum insured. You can choose to receive your cash payments, or accumulate the cash payments for future use.

Insurance Coverage
A lump sum of the basic sum insured, bonus, accumulated and outstanding guaranteed ICP (if any) will be paid in the event of death, or Total and Permanent Disability (TPD).

Maturity Benefit
You will be paid a lump sum of the basic sum insured plus bonus and accumulated guaranteed ICP (if any) when your policy matures.


  • Life Insured
    Aged between 14 days to 60 years
  • Policy Owner
    Aged a minimum of 19 years, with no maximum age

If you would like to speak to us about our insurance product, just leave us your details and we'll get in touch.


Underwritten by Etiqa Life Insurance Berhad (Co. Reg. No. : 201701025113)
(Licensed under the Financial Services Act 2013 and regulated by Bank Negara Malaysia).
